Story boards and automated chapters based on your Topics. It's all about them details.
Video performance
Understand how long people watch. Find the moments they liked best.
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🔓 No more passwords
Viewers no longer need to create a password. Instead, registration will work with magic links. The best? They have to sign up just once to access all your content.
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Upload a webinar
Upload webinars and other long form videos on Contrast. Benefit from rich analytics, emails and more.
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🔴 Live viewer list
Post webinar analytics are great. But we all love to know who’s watching in real-time.
Introducing viewer list.
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Upvote and quick emoji reactions
We've added upvotes and quick emoji reaction to the chat.
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Chat moderation
Delete a message. Or ban someone from sending messages.
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Studio shortcuts
D is for mute. E is for video.
CTRL is for windows.
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