🔓 No more passwords


Viewers no longer need to create a password. Instead, registration will work with magic links. The best? They have to sign up just once to access all your content.

👋 Your friends at Contrast

Upvote and quick emoji reactions

Contrast Studio

We've added upvotes and quick emoji reaction to the chat.

👋 Your friends at Contrast

Customize your emails

Admin app

They're here, customizable emails with an easy to use editor and predefined variables such as names, event name and channel name.

👋 Your friends at Contrast

Custom Registration Forms

Admin app

You can now create your custom registration form. It's as easy as selecting one (or more) of the pre-selected fields. They're automatically added to all your webinars.

If you've the HubSpot integration enabled, we'll automatically send this data along with your contact-data.

Read here to learn more about custom data, or how it works with HubSpot.

👋 Your friends at Contrast

Turn off email reminders and Previews

Admin app

We're working on a couple of improvements for emails.

You can now preview emails. Hitting the preview button will send a preview to your email address.

It's also possible to turn off these reminders.

👋 Your friends at Contrast

âœĻ Shiny new player and more..


An all new design. She's here, our new player.

We've put a lot of effort in creating a player that was both beautiful and functional.

On top of that, we've added new features, such as playback speed, a quality switcher and a way for people to toggle forward and back.

Finally, we've improved the latency to just 6 seconds. One of the lowest in the market.
