Easily brand your video

Contrast Studio

Selecting 5 brand colors was maybe a little much. Now select your 2 main colors and we figure out the rest automagically.

The colors apply to all topics, questions and names.

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Customize your emails

Admin app

They're here, customizable emails with an easy to use editor and predefined variables such as names, event name and channel name.

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Custom Registration Forms

Admin app

You can now create your custom registration form. It's as easy as selecting one (or more) of the pre-selected fields. They're automatically added to all your webinars.

If you've the HubSpot integration enabled, we'll automatically send this data along with your contact-data.

Read here to learn more about custom data, or how it works with HubSpot.

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Host QA sessions in a new way

Contrast Studio

Today, we're taking our QA-feature to the next level. It works like just before. This time though, we take your brand's colors and make questions look like this.

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Make your webinars look like your brand

Contrast Studio

Topics are the perfect replacement to ditch your PowerPoint and engage your viewers.

Today, we're making it possible to brand your Topics. Head over to the Studio and select your brand's colors.

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Easily organize your Topics

Contrast Studio

It's now easier than ever to organize your topics. Edit, delete and drag&drop 'm in any way you want.

Before the webinar preferably. Easy enough to do during it in case of emergency ;-)

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Automated Highlights

Contrast Studio
Admin app

After your webinar, you'll find Topics (and soon Q&A) are saved as your webinar's highlights. 

From here, you can clip your highlights into shorter videos. You can use these videos as bite-sized content, or share them on social media.

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Animate your livestream with Topics

Contrast Studio

The best webinars are conversational and have no slides. The difficulty is managing them and making it easy enough for the audience to follow along. 

Topics create an all-new experience. You can create your Topics before going live, they will function as a guideline for your webinar.

On your command, Topics will animate live on stream making it crystal clear what you're talking about.

No more slides.

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